Hot Box Yoga
Whether you are an experienced yogi looking to deepen your yoga practice, or a new yogi who wants to experience all of what yoga has to offer, hot yoga is guaranteed to be a completely unique yoga experience. Hot yoga is a yoga style that is practiced in hot and humid conditions, typically heated to around 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity and 80 – 85 degrees Fahrenheit for our warm classes. Each 60 minute class will offer a series of postures that aim to contract and strengthen your muscles and raise your heart rate to create an amazing yoga experience with cardiovascular benefits. While Bikram yoga is one of the more popular, mainstream forms of hot yoga, it’s important to note that it’s not the only form. Many disciplines of yoga can be practiced – and are practiced – in varying degrees of heat and humidity. With all these varieties of hot yoga, you’ll have even more incentive and motivation to try it after you explore the amazing benefits of any hot yoga practice.